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Arc de Triomphe and its viewpoint

How about we talk about the Arc de Triomphe located in Terreiro do Paço?!

Rua Augusta's Arco do Triunfo is located north of Praça do Comércio, on Rua Augusta, in Lisbon. Its construction was planned in 1759, as part of the Pombaline reconstruction after the destruction of downtown Lisbon by the 1755 earthquake, with a design by Eugénio dos Santos. The work on the triumphal arch, which was already closed in 1862 on the occasion of the marriage of D. Luís I, was only completed in 1873.

In the upper part of the arch, it is possible to see sculptures by Célestin Anatole Calmels, while in a lower plane there are sculptures by Vítor Bastos. Calmels' sculptures represent Glory, crowning Genius and Valor.

The sculptures by Vítor Bastos represent Nuno Álvares Pereira, Viriato, Vasco da Gama and the Marquês de Pombal. On the left side, the Tagus River, and on the right side, the Douro River, also designed by the sculptor Vítor Bastos. The Tagus and Douro rivers delimit the region where the Lusitanos allegedly lived.

The text inscribed at the top of the arch refers to the grandeur of the Portuguese Empire and the discovery of new peoples and cultures. VIRTVTIBVS MAIORVM VT SIT OMNIBVS DOCVMENTO.PPD “To the Virtues of the Greatest, so that it may serve as a teaching for all. Dedicated to public expense”.

Did you know there is a Mirador at the Arc de Triomphe?

Yes that's right. Since August 9, 2013 it is possible to visit the viewpoint. To get there just use an elevator and climb two steep flights of stairs, and thus reach the viewpoint at the top of the Arch.

And a curiosity, during the first year it was open, it was visited by 130 thousand people.

How to climb the viewpoint of Arco da Rua Augusta?

The entrance to the Arco da Rua Augusta lookout is almost under the Arco, at the end of Rua Augusta. If you are walking along Rua Augusta towards Praça do Comércio, you will find the entrance near Arco, on your left side.

You will have access to a privileged point that offers 360 degree panoramic views of Lisbon and the surrounding region. Terreiro do Paço, the downtown area of Pombalina, the Cathedral, the Castle of São Jorge and the Tagus river are some of the emblematic landmarks that can be seen from the top of the building.

Inside the Arch, in the Clock Room, find out more about the history of this triumphal monument, from the moment when construction began, after the earthquake of 1755, until its completion in 1875.

🇵🇹 SUPER #DICASDELISBOA - Our favorite time to visit the Arco da Rua Augusta viewpoint is at the end of the day, to see the sunset. In summer, avoid going during times of intense heat.

Opening Hours

The Arch is open daily from 10 am to 7 pm

Tickets and offers

  • Single ticket €3

  • Child ( up to 5 years old ) Free


  • Arc + Story | adult 8 €

  • Arc + Story | child € 4.50

  • Bow + Codfish | adult 6 €

  • Bow + Codfish | child €4

  • Bow + Story + Cod | adult € 11.50

  • Bow + Story + Cod | child €7

If you have purchased the Lisboa Card, entry is free – see how the Lisboa Card works here. Admission is free for children up to 5 years old.

To purchase your ticket, click here.

How to get

Metro: Terreiro do Paço (Blue Line)

Good to know...

The Rua Augusta Arch, when it was built, was not designed to receive visitors. In order to make them accessible, a series of changes were made to their structure. An elevator was installed, without damaging the monument, to take visitors as high as possible. The rest of the climb involves a spiral staircase.


There is no alternative access for people with reduced mobility.

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