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Pandemic Control Measures - January 6, 2022

In view of the evolution of the pandemic in Portugal, where there is greater transmissibility of the disease without this corresponding to greater pressure on SNS services and hospitalizations, the Council of Ministers decided to review and change the measures to contain the pandemic. Thus, from January 10:

  • Mandatory teleworking regime throughout the continental national territory until January 14 (it will be recommended from that date);

  • Reopening of bars and discos on January 14;

  • The limits on the occupation of commercial establishments are maintained - indicative maximum occupancy of one person for every five square meters of area);

  • In schools:

    • Reopening on January 10;

    • End of class isolation after positive case detection;

    • Testing of teachers and non-teachers in the first two weeks after returning to school.

  • O certificado digital passa a ser obrigatório para acesso a:

    • Restaurants;

    • Tourist accommodation and local accommodation;

    • Cultural shows.;

    • Events with marked seats;

    • Gymnasiums.

  • The presentation of a negative COVID-19 test result becomes mandatory for access to:

    • Visits to Lares;

    • Visits to patients hospitalised in health establishments;

    • Major events and events without marked places or in improvised venues

    • Sports venues (unless decided by the DGS).

  • Provision is made for a ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, with the exception of terraces.

  • Special testing measures for the purpose of international flights are extended until 9 February 2022.

  • It is recalled that, due to the new DGS standards, there are still changes in isolation:

    • Isolation is now applied only to positive cases and their cohabitants;

    • People with a booster dose are exempt from isolation;

    • Isolation is 7 days.

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