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Health APP'S

Take care of your health


The official application of notification of exposure to COVID-19, in Portugal, allows, in a simple and safe way, to identify potential exposures to people infected with COVID-19.

You can download the application from:

ícone disponível na App Store
icon available on Google Play

MySNS app

The MySNS app continues to gain users.
You can download the application from: 

ícone disponível na App Store
icon available on Google Play
App MySNS Carteira

MySNS Wallet App

Citizens have access to a set of features, allowing for better monitoring of health data. Download the application from:

icon available on the App Store
icon available on Google Play
App MySNS Carteira

MySNS Times App

Through the app, the user can consult the average time of care in the emergency room of each institution, presented by the Manchester scale. Download the application from:

icon available on the App Store
icon available on Google Play
App MySNS Carteira

App "Save on Revenue"

This application allows the user to save on the cost of their medications, by identifying the cheapest medications. Download the application from:

icon available on the App Store
icon available on Google Play
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