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PORTUGAL | Learn how to open your account remotely

Caixa Geral de Depósitos website

Just as in Brazil there is Banco Caixa Econômica, in Portugal there is Caixa Geral de Depósitos, which is also known as Caixa. Caixa Geral de Depósitos is a Portuguese financial institution, considered the second largest bank in Portugal, owned by the Government of the Portuguese Republic.

We will explain to you how to open your account remotely at Caixa Geral de Depósitos, and the most interesting thing: no travelling and fully digital.

When we open an account online with Caixa, we join the Caixa Account remotely, thus facilitating our daily lives. But beware that we are subject to the package account maintenance committee according to the price list in force.

To start opening it is necessary to fill out a form on the website, download the IDnow APP and enter the Identification ID we receive by email. Soon after, a video call will be initiated (working days between 9am and 10pm), to collect proof of identification, address and profession. After this step, we must access Caixadirecta, through the CGD website, with the access credentials sent.

There You Go! Completed! Congratulations, your account will be open!

Learn what it takes:

  • Have an iOS or Android 4.4 smartphone or higher;

  • Be over 18 years of age, natural person, non-CGD client and Portuguese nationality;

  • Have a National Taxpayer's Number, Citizen Card, Proof of address and profession;

  • The tax address in Portugal is the same as the address of residence;

  • Not to exercise, or not to have held, a public/political position and not to have a close family member who exercises or has exercised such a position.

For more information, here are telephone call centre options:


24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Unique rede: 217 900 790 (2) 707 24 24 24 (1)

(1) Maximum price to pay per minute: €0.10 (tax incl.) for calls from Portugal originating from fixed networks and €0.25 (tax incl.) for calls from mobile networks (See ANACOM Deliberation).

(2) Price payable according to Customer's tariff.

Residents Abroad


Toll-free numbers for customers with Caixadirecta contract and registered as customers residing abroad with Caixa:

  • Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland: 00 800 351351 00

  • USA and Canada: 011 800 351 351 00

  • Brazil: 0 800 888 12 13

  • Venezuela: 0 800 100 4698

  • Macau: 0 800 961

  • South Africa: 0 800 98 09 64

Or click here for more information.

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